
Let Lichtefeld handle the business of building while YOU handle building your business!

Houston-Johnson, Inc.

Distribution Centers Square Feet 120,000 s.f. Project Location 13200 Complete Court - Louisville, Kentucky Construction Dates Start: January 2006 Completion: July 2006 End User Auto truck part distribution center

120,000 total s.f. office/warehouse facility. 6,500 s.f. office with 113,500 s.f. warehouse space.  This is a Butler steel structural system, Hardmark 2000 on a tilt-wall bearing system.  It has an MR-24 standing machine seamed roof system with a concrete tex-flex painted tilt wall system as well as storefront glass.  This facility is also equipped with mechanical dock levelers, dock locks, dock lights, loss prevention gates, stop-go lights, insulated overhead doors with view lights.  Designed by Berry-Prindle Architects and Butler Manufacturing.  Engineered by Butler Manufacturing and QK4 Civil Engineers.

Design and Build project by Lichtefeld, Inc.